E2COMATION project is developing several solutions, mutually cooperating to achieve energy efficient and sustainable manufacturing.
The E2COMATION automation platform for distributed monitoring and supervision is addressed through the modular and scalable IEC 6-1499 based automation monitoring part, to be capable of feeding live information from shopfloor (in combination with EMon technology). as well as considering DSC (Distributed stream computing) solution to offer both intermediate data processing, manipulation and information enrichment, to empower upper layers.
The Holistic analysis of energy-related data streams for production performance forecasting is concretizing in “automatic mechanisms” for Digital twin update, where variations either of specific energy related parameters or of process related conditions are monitored across streams of data. This with the purpose of managing “disruptions” in production process.
The Life-cycle conceptual paradigm applied to digital twinning of factory assets is built across a joint action between WP3 and WP4, through existing (simulation) models – where specific parameters are to be elaborated – and more complex approaches to digital twin creation, where grey box and complex identification approaches shall take place to create the digital twin.
The Comprehensive simulation environment enhanced with energy and environmental performance saw the joint action between WP4 and WP6, where energy related information in simulation and updating mechanisms of related parameters: energy profiles are considered in simulation tools, while interfacing mechanisms are considered to append LCA models and KPI to simulation, developed by Life Cycle Assessment and Costing tool (LCAC).
Energy Aware Planning and Scheduling tool (EAP&S) is the first high level optimization tool in E2COMATION suite. Based on a dynamically changing energy sensitive model of the shop-floor, such tool is capable of providing real time scheduling and optimization of production, conjugating production efficiency and energy saving. Such tool has been analysed in WP5 and is currently verticalized both in Discrete manufacturing case (e.g. ROYO production plant) and continuous manufacturing (e.g. KEAS production process).
LCA-driven supply chain management (SCM) problem is being addressed conceiving three modules respectively covering the following problems and areas: “Demand Forecast & Assortment Optimization” (DFAO), “Calendar and Transportation” (CT), and “Stock management” (SM).