ENGINE first event

E2COMATION adheres to the EuropeaN diGital Innovation Network (ENGINE), that is a venture aiming at strengthening connections among digital initiatives at European level, working on strategic topics addressing the constitution, population or regulation of the European Digital Single Market. ENGINE was born in 2020 on a voluntary basis inside the H2020 Manusquare project and was conceived as an instrument to communicate the progress of European and national projects and initiatives, and to maximize the impact of dissemination activities. Now ENGINE aims to become a platform for gathering scientific publications and whitepapers, discussing over current themes and promoting networking activities among the collaborating partners and the involved audience. To this, differente networking moments have been planned to connect adhering projects partners, organize workshops and thematic discussions, and support the outreach of project activities and results to the industrial and general public.

On next 12th April 2021, a first online event will gather all the projects coordinators adhering to such an initiative, with the goal to get to know each other and discuss on future topics to be tackled jointly.

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